Indian Traditional Women

Traditional Indian Women

Indian traditional woman is a multi tasker and multi talented, the one who knows the real values of tradition and she’s the only one who passes these values to the next generation like genes.

Indian Traditional woman is a symbol of love, strength, devotion, sacrifice. You never underestimate her as she knows her power. According to Hindu mythology, if a woman has a power to give a new life or birth, she also has a power to ruin the lives. So give her respect, love and she’ll give it you back more than you give.
She is perfect example of beauty with brain. They know how to manage their personal life ,social life and family. If she is working at the same time she can take care of her family because she is a master in management.
If we compare traditional women and today’s modern women, traditional woman is nowhere less than modern women. The glorious history of women is known by every one. In the Vedic Era Indian women were literate and were expert in medical science, astrology , archery etc. I tell you there’s a hidden traditional woman in every Indian woman whether she’s modern or not.

Once Upon a Time Extrovert

She was free as a bird with no fear of being judged.

How effortless it was to walk up to someone and strike a conversation. The time when she had 10 WhatsApp conversations open and her fingers cuffed around. Days when there were 3 plans that coincided, and she left dangling.


I know. I know how there were always pairs of eyes that followed her around when she walked into a party and picked up a mike. The attention that sought her through the corner of rooms even when she didn’t want it.

I know. I know what happened. Things changed. Parties turned into a dim light with a book in hand. Mike drops transformed to a laptop and plugged-in earphones. The phone’s Internet always remains switched off.

I know. I know how she would wait for the phone to stop ringing and for people to stop talking. Those head bobs and side nods doesn’t mean the same anymore.

You know what?

You’re not alone in the club. There are a thousand rooms with a dim light just like yours, we’re all staring at the same screen and shutting out the blind. We’re tired, scared and scarred.

I know. I know we’re going to be cheerful again and find a bliss like we always do.

Remember the party you were dragged to last week and you heard someone humming the same song as you, from the corner you were in?

Remember, the insta stories on some random friend had the similar taste as you..?

Next time, try to talk, without fear of getting judged on your actions or reactions..!!

Slow Learner

I’m slowly learning that I don’t have to hurt those who hurt me. I’m slowly learning that maybe the ultimate sign of maturity is walking away instead of getting even.

I’m slowly learning that the energy it takes to react to every bad thing that happens to you drains you and stops you from seeing the other good things in life. I’m slowly learning that I’m not going to be everyone’s cup of tea and I won’t be able to get everyone to treat me the way I want to be treated and that’s okay. I’m slowly learning that trying so hard to ‘win’ anyone is just a waste of time and energy and it fills you with nothing but emptiness.


I’m slowly learning that not reacting doesn’t mean I’m okay with things, it just means I’m choosing to rise above it. I’m choosing to take the lesson it has served and learn from it. I’m choosing to be the bigger person. I’m choosing my peace of mind because that’s what I truly need. I don’t need more drama. I don’t need people making me feel like I’m not good enough. I don’t need fights and arguments and fake connections. I’m slowly learning that sometimes not saying anything at all says everything.

I’m slowly learning that reacting to things that upset you gives someone else power over your emotions. You can’t control what others do but you can control how you respond, how you handle it, how you perceive it and how much of it you want to take personally. I’m slowly learning that most of the time, these situations say nothing about you and a lot about the other person. I’m slowly learning that maybe all these disappointments are just there to teach us how to love ourselves because that will be the armor and the shield we need against the people who try to bring us down. They will save us when people try to shake our confidence or when they try to make us feel like we’re worthless.

I’m slowly learning that even if I react, it won’t change anything, it won’t make people suddenly love and respect me, it won’t magically change their minds. Sometimes it’s better to just let things be, let people go, don’t fight for closure, don’t ask for explanations, don’t chase answers and don’t expect people to understand where you’re coming from. I’m slowly learning that life is better lived when you don’t center it on what’s happening around you and center it on what’s happening inside you instead. Work on yourself and your inner peace and you’ll come to realize that not reacting to every little thing that bothers you is the first ingredient to living a happy and healthy life.

Mumbai….Alive is Awesome..!!

Mumbai: the Illegitimate Indian child of a Portuguese-English wedding, and yet the most Indian of Indian cities. It’s like the spice in every bite. The beauty of life in this city is that every person, place, event leaves a lesson that you can take forward in life. The one that isn’t applicable to this city alone; It’s kinda like life. It treats you like you perceive it. It’s a teacher, a friend, a rude shock and yet the city of dreams. It’ s a cluttered city where you seldom find yourself alone. Each day you learn. Sometimes you breathe until you learn to live. That’s what makes this city so special!

Growing up I would hear people say, Paris and Rome are “pseudo” romantic cities. While I beg to differ, Mumbai seems to top them all. In what is considered a rather conservative society, romance seems to slip into everything… The music, the movies, the weddings, the smell of incense, the blossoming of the champa trees, the stories of Krishna and Radha in the silk fabric. A stroll along the Marine Lines…now known as Queen’s Necklace makes me fall in love for this place all over again…!!!

Mumbai is like a conundrum , in just a lap of few meters you can experience two different worlds which are just opposite to each other. This place is a perfect example of symbiotic relationship between have and have not , from jhuggis to multistoried buildings , from temples to Mosques , the cart pullers to the Armani clad people zipping in their BMWs.


Mumbai is not my city, but definitely it is my kind of city, though one core thing of Mumbai of which I would never prefer to be part of it…. because if I would have lived in Mumbai, I would have been one of those 7.5 million passengers commuting daily in Suburban Railway…!!! Everything you see well organised on railway platforms turns to sudden chaos and confusion as soon as the train arrives. The number of people standing on the platform seems to quadruple in just a few seconds, and suddenly it is overcrowded. At this moment, there are two flows of people that deeply hate each other: those getting on and those getting off; absolute enemies who seek opposite and irreconcilable goals. You could decide to stay away from the battle and just wait for the next train. But then you would rather give up because the same scene repeats every couple of minutes when a new train calls.

Where the battle is the harshest, is actually inside the flows. Whether you are in the getting-on flow or the getting-off flow, not only is the other flow your enemy, but competitiveness within your own flow might very well leave you behind. It is incredible how these friendly women who were smiling at you, five seconds ago, now mutate into hysterical and forceful wrestlers. Anything goes. Low blows are permitted. They kick your feet, they pull your hair, they scratch your face. And you say nothing, as all you want is to get on that bloody train with your whole body, your belongings and, if possible, even your shoes. Hardly a few seconds after, the train starts speeding again, while three or four women are still jumping in. There are a few seconds of stupor, everybody breathe in and struggle realizing that they have made it. Then all settles. Slowly, life gets back to normal. The two friends continue their lively conversation. The woman with the smartphone goes on chatting on Whatsapp. The one with the nuts starts nibbling again. And all those women are charming and smiling again, as if the absolute schizophrenic interlude had never happened…. 😀

But what makes Mumbai apart is its endurance to survive despite all odds .It is changing and evolving every nano second. From secluded to crowded beaches , street  to gourmet food , chor bazar to designer labels , chawls to sprawling bungalows, Mumbai has a bit of everything for every soul. Last but not least, it’s a city, that will envelope you and carry you with such zest, fervor, hospitality and love, you will not want to leave. It is not meant for people who love the calm and peace of the countryside, but it is the best place to visit if you want to have the experience of your lifetime.

Chasing Happiness

What… it’s 8:00 AM… Ohh…I needed to wake up at 6:00 today…shit… I am late…………..

And the rat-race begins….Rat race of acquisition – acquiring more worldly goods, having more money to hoard and to spend. In this race to acquire immense luxury that we tend to forget just how important it is to truly live in and experience each and every moment in it’s simplicity. We crave for for big things, the exciting things so much that we forget to appreciate the little things we already have. We live for the weekends, the holidays, or the vacation we’ve been dreaming for years and not cherishing the days we spend in bed with a pint of ice cream watching our favourite show…

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It’s often a pivotal and life-changing moment that leaves us re-evaluating the important things in life… the things we often otherwise take for granted. You know the ones – our health, our families, our jobs, having a place to live, something to eat, or even the sheer the fact that we opened our eyes to yet another beautiful day of life on this earth this morning.

And while of course it’s great to have goals and things to work towards, I think it’s equally important to remember that each day, hour, minute is cherished… Bring out the marvel of the ordinary life..!!

The days when you are surrounded by your favourite people who make you realise that the world is not a cold and harsh place..

The road trips and bike rides with music in your ears and the wind in your hair…

The glory of colours of sky while watching the sunrise and sunset…

Spend every Sunday in your pajamas.

Stuff your face with cheese curds, ice creams

Sing with your god awful voice

Watch the entire season of Friends in one day.

Dance crazily, party ’til the sun comes up, and kiss all of the wrong people.

Jump out of a plane, or watch the beautiful sunset over the ocean.

Slow down and enjoy life … It is not only the scenery you miss by going too fast… You also miss the sense of where you are going and why…. So, Enjoy every moment of it…!!!

Accepting the Imperfect World

Since our childhood we believe in concept that beauty and goodness is power and a key to happy and successful life, but the world of dark realities is far more pertinent in today’s world than a “happily ever after” saccharine that we have grown up believing in.

It is not necessary that every time we do good things we get the returns as expected. We need to accept the truth about life and its complexities. It does not happen only with us but everyone deals with challenges of their own. Although this earth is full of beauty, there is also darkness that enters in our life once in a while for sure…. if we accept all this we will have fewer disappointments.


It is unfortunate that our society is obsessed with give and take policy so much that when the returns are not fulfilled as per the expectations we feel like the worst thing that could ever happen to a person. The reality is failure is a common place for all of us, but if we fear it or deny it, we lead our self to resentment, anger and loneliness. When we allow this fear to take over we spend lot of our time thinking about the failed dream and the time which is already gone.

Instead if we focus on love, the unconditional love, we then learn to forgive, forget and accept. And once we accept all the imperfections, we realize life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful…!!

Oh She ?!.. She doesn’t work, She is a Housewife

Value of housewives’ work is often ignored. Housewives work many unrecorded hours a week to fulfil all the demands from her husband, kids and family. She is running and managing the family; caring and educating children, cooking and storing food, buying goods the family needs in day to day life, cleaning and maintaining the home. She is in charge of the household. She does this monotonous job every day for her family letting her career and her independent pleasure take backseat. Her daily routine work is an achievement that can’t be praised or rewarded by any boss!

Till I’ve had kid I have worked and always believed housewives have ample amount of time. However today I realize how wrong I was. Life at home is definitely not limited to watching family sagas and reality shows on TV. Here targets for the day are not decided by manager but they are not less than your potential and capability too…!!


My mornings start at 6 AM, but if there is slight delay because of some fairy tale dreams, my dear husband has to manage his breakfast with milk and cornflakes. My entire day’s schedule completely depends on my husband and kids schedule. If any one of them gets delayed the entire day’s routine goes for a toss. Above all this I have also realized that delegating and getting office work done from your subordinates is much more easier job then to get the work done from the house maids….!!

Being a housewife you are always expected to welcome more number of guests more frequently and you are always available for hospitality. The complex picture starts when maid servants decides to bunk on this days with your house full of guests… and I tell you no office tension or any kind of production issues can compete with this particular stress.

The task of the housewife is not limited to this daily routine work only. She has bigger targets to fulfil, supporting her family’s physical, intellectual and emotional development too. While I do this job I realize it is easier to work in any corporate then to be a full time homemaker as this is the only job of the world with no pay and no holiday…!!